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AWS Arena
Huston, Texas.
60 000 spectateurs
AWS show's
AWS spécial "LAX Controle".
Show special de 3 heures .
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Le drapeau sera celui qui flambera. ^^
CM Punk vs JBL vs Shawn Michaels
Chris Master vs Carlito
Triple H vs Randy Orton VS Bret Hart
Test W/Jéricho vs Christian
Cena & Stone cold vs MVP & Kennedy
The Rock vs Pipers
First blood match
Popsi vs Eugene
SteelCage match
The Undertaker vs Abyss
Segment spécial - Puta's prez -
Jerry Lawler vs Douglas
GM vs Wrestler
LAX vs Cryme time & Sabian
DEADLINE: VENDREDI 9 mars 2007. Minuit français.